Rules of Coexistence

  • The Code of Conduct is a set of rules that regulate the structure and operation of CIP FP Lumbier IIP, to promote the teaching-learning process and ensure good coexistence in the educational institution.
  • The Code of Conduct is complementary in nature, as it not only develops aspects already regulated by other higher-ranking legal norms but also covers aspects that have not been regulated and are of interest to the institution.
  • Although the Code of Conduct is a normative document, it represents more than that, as it is the practical and applied expression of the principles and values that govern the life of our institution, its character, and its own style. It should be considered as an integral part of our Educational Project.
  • This Code regulates the coexistence of students, teachers, administrative and service staff, and parents of the students and is mandatory for all members of the educational community.

Rights and responsibilities of students

FORAL DECREE 47/2010, of August 23rd, on the rights and responsibilities of students and coexistence in educational centers.

Guidelines for Dealing with Cyberbullying

Children and young people today, commonly known as "digital natives," constantly use the Internet and benefit from its numerous advantages. They have access to information, the ability to communicate with friends, videos, games, and more. Education on aspects of safety, privacy, protection of people's rights, etc., is something that should be taught from childhood, as minors start accessing the digital world, social media, mobile phones, smartphone applications, etc., from a very young age.

Throughout this guide, both educational and preventive aspects will be addressed, as well as how to handle such situations for both the victim and the perpetrator.

This guide is the result of collaboration among a group of experts from various fields and experiences who have shared their knowledge with parents and teachers to educate and raise awareness among their children regarding Internet safety.